1. 7.5 Origin
      1. 7.5.1 Relaxing the same-origin restriction
    2. 7.6 Sandboxing

7.5 Origin

Spec bugs: 28374

Origins are the fundamental currency of the Web's security model. Two actors in the Web platform that share an origin are assumed to trust each other and to have the same authority. Actors with differing origins are considered potentially hostile versus each other, and are isolated from each other to varying degrees.

For example, if Example Bank's Web site, hosted at bank.example.com, tries to examine the DOM of Example Charity's Web site, hosted at charity.example.org, a "SecurityError" DOMException will be raised.

An origin is one of the following:

An opaque origin

An internal value, with no serialization it can be recreated from (it is serialized as "null" per serialization of an origin), for which the only meaningful operation is testing for equality.

A tuple origin

A tuple consists of:

Origins can be shared, e.g., among multiple Document objects. Furthermore, origins are generally immutable. Only the domain of a tuple origin can be changed, and only through the document.domain API.

The effective domain of an origin origin is computed as follows:

  1. If origin is an opaque origin, then return null.

  2. If origin's domain is non-null, then return origin's domain.

  3. Return origin's host.

Various specification objects are defined to have an origin. These origins are determined as follows:

For Document objects
If the Document's active sandboxing flag set has its sandboxed origin browsing context flag set
If the Document was generated from a data: URL

A unique opaque origin assigned when the Document is created.

If the Document's URL's scheme is a network scheme

A copy of the Document's URL's origin assigned when the Document is created.

The document.open() method can change the Document's URL to "about:blank". Therefore the origin is assigned when the Document is created.

If the Document is the initial "about:blank" document

The one it was assigned when its browsing context was created.

If the Document is a non-initial "about:blank" document

The origin of the incumbent settings object when the navigate algorithm was invoked, or, if no script was involved, the origin of the node document of the element that initiated the navigation to that URL.

If the Document was created as part of the processing for javascript: URLs

The origin of the active document of the browsing context being navigated when the navigate algorithm was invoked.

If the Document is an iframe srcdoc document

The origin of the Document's browsing context's browsing context container's node document.

If the Document was obtained in some other manner (e.g. a Document created using the createDocument() API, etc)

The default behavior as defined in the WHATWG DOM standard applies. [DOM].

The origin is a unique opaque origin assigned when the Document is created.

For images of img elements
If the image data is CORS-cross-origin

A unique opaque origin assigned when the image is created.

If the image data is CORS-same-origin

The img element's node document's origin.

For audio and video elements
If the media data is CORS-cross-origin

A unique opaque origin assigned when the media data is fetched.

If the media data is CORS-same-origin

The media element's node document's origin.

Other specifications can override the above definitions by themselves specifying the origin of a particular Document object, image, or media element.

The serialization of an origin is the string obtained by applying the following algorithm to the given origin origin:

  1. If origin is an opaque origin, then return "null".

  2. Otherwise, let result be origin's scheme.

  3. Append "://" to result.

  4. Append origin's host, serialized, to result.

  5. If origin's port is non-null, append a U+003A COLON character (:), and origin's port, serialized, to result.

  6. Return result.

The serialization of ("https", "xn--maraa-rta.example", null, null) is "https://xn--maraa-rta.example".

There used to also be a Unicode serialization of an origin. However, it was never widely adopted.

Two origins, A and B, are said to be same origin if the following algorithm returns true:

  1. If A and B are the same opaque origin, then return true.

  2. If A and B are both tuple origins and their schemes, hosts, and port are identical, then return true.

  3. Return false.

Two origins, A and B, are said to be same origin-domain if the following algorithm returns true:

  1. If A and B are the same opaque origin, then return true.

  2. If A and B are both tuple origins, run these substeps:

    1. If A and B's schemes are identical, and their domains are identical and non-null, then return true.

    2. Otherwise, if A and B are same origin and their domains are identical and null, then return true.

  3. Return false.

A B same origin same origin-domain
("https", "example.org", null, null) ("https", "example.org", null, null)
("https", "example.org", 314, null) ("https", "example.org", 420, null)
("https", "example.org", 314, "example.org") ("https", "example.org", 420, "example.org")
("https", "example.org", null, null) ("https", "example.org", null, "example.org")
("https", "example.org", null, "example.org") ("http", "example.org", null, "example.org")

7.5.1 Relaxing the same-origin restriction

document . domain [ = domain ]

Returns the current domain used for security checks.

Can be set to a value that removes subdomains, to change the origin's domain to allow pages on other subdomains of the same domain (if they do the same thing) to access each other. (Can't be set in sandboxed iframes.)

To determine if a string hostSuffixString is a registrable domain suffix of or is equal to a host originalHost, run these steps:

  1. If hostSuffixString is the empty string, then return false.

  2. Let host be the result of parsing hostSuffixString.

  3. If host is failure, then return false.

  4. If host is not equal to originalHost, then run these substeps:

    1. If host or originalHost is not a domain, then return false.

      This is meant to exclude hosts that are an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address.

    2. If host, prefixed by a U+002E FULL STOP (.), does not exactly match the end of originalHost, then return false.

    3. If host matches a suffix in the Public Suffix List, or, if host, prefixed by a U+002E FULL STOP (.), matches the end of a suffix in the Public Suffix List, then return false. [PSL]

      Suffixes must be compared after applying the host parser algorithm.

  5. Return true.

The domain attribute's getter must run these steps:

  1. If this Document object does not have a browsing context, then return the empty string.

  2. Let effectiveDomain be this Document's origin's effective domain.

  3. If effectiveDomain is null, then return the empty string.

  4. Return effectiveDomain, serialized.

The domain attribute's setter must run these steps:

  1. If this Document object has no browsing context, then throw a "SecurityError" DOMException.

  2. If this Document object's active sandboxing flag set has its sandboxed document.domain browsing context flag set, then throw a "SecurityError" DOMException.

  3. Let effectiveDomain be this Document's origin's effective domain.

  4. If effectiveDomain is null, then throw a "SecurityError" DOMException.

  5. If the given value is not a registrable domain suffix of and is not equal to effectiveDomain, then throw a "SecurityError" DOMException.

  6. Set this Document object's origin's domain to the result of parsing the given value.

The document.domain attribute is used to enable pages on different hosts of a domain to access each other's DOMs.

Do not use the document.domain attribute when using shared hosting. If an untrusted third party is able to host an HTTP server at the same IP address but on a different port, then the same-origin protection that normally protects two different sites on the same host will fail, as the ports are ignored when comparing origins after the document.domain attribute has been used.

7.6 Sandboxing

A sandboxing flag set is a set of zero or more of the following flags, which are used to restrict the abilities that potentially untrusted resources have:

The sandboxed navigation browsing context flag

This flag prevents content from navigating browsing contexts other than the sandboxed browsing context itself (or browsing contexts further nested inside it), auxiliary browsing contexts (which are protected by the sandboxed auxiliary navigation browsing context flag defined next), and the top-level browsing context (which is protected by the sandboxed top-level navigation without user activation browsing context flag and sandboxed top-level navigation with user activation browsing context flag defined below).

If the sandboxed auxiliary navigation browsing context flag is not set, then in certain cases the restrictions nonetheless allow popups (new top-level browsing contexts) to be opened. These browsing contexts always have one permitted sandboxed navigator, set when the browsing context is created, which allows the browsing context that created them to actually navigate them. (Otherwise, the sandboxed navigation browsing context flag would prevent them from being navigated even if they were opened.)

The sandboxed auxiliary navigation browsing context flag

This flag prevents content from creating new auxiliary browsing contexts, e.g. using the target attribute or the window.open() method.

The sandboxed top-level navigation without user activation browsing context flag

This flag prevents content from navigating their top-level browsing context and prevents content from closing their top-level browsing context. It is consulted only from algorithms that are not triggered by user activation.

When the sandboxed top-level navigation without user activation browsing context flag is not set, content can navigate its top-level browsing context, but other browsing contexts are still protected by the sandboxed navigation browsing context flag and possibly the sandboxed auxiliary navigation browsing context flag.

The sandboxed top-level navigation with user activation browsing context flag

This flag prevents content from navigating their top-level browsing context and prevents content from closing their top-level browsing context. It is consulted only from algorithms that are triggered by user activation.

As with the sandboxed top-level navigation without user activation browsing context flag, this flag only affects the top-level browsing context; if it is not set, other browsing contexts might still be protected by other flags.

The sandboxed plugins browsing context flag

This flag prevents content from instantiating plugins, whether using the embed element, the object element, or through navigation of a nested browsing context, unless those plugins can be secured.

The sandboxed origin browsing context flag

This flag forces content into a unique origin, thus preventing it from accessing other content from the same origin.

This flag also prevents script from reading from or writing to the document.cookie IDL attribute, and blocks access to localStorage.

The sandboxed forms browsing context flag

This flag blocks form submission.

The sandboxed pointer lock browsing context flag

This flag disables the Pointer Lock API. [POINTERLOCK]

The sandboxed scripts browsing context flag

This flag blocks script execution.

The sandboxed automatic features browsing context flag

This flag blocks features that trigger automatically, such as automatically playing a video or automatically focusing a form control.

The sandboxed storage area URLs flag

This flag prevents URL schemes that use storage areas from being able to access the origin's data.

The sandboxed document.domain browsing context flag

This flag prevents content from using the document.domain setter.

The sandbox propagates to auxiliary browsing contexts flag

This flag prevents content from escaping the sandbox by ensuring that any auxiliary browsing context it creates inherits the content's active sandboxing flag set.

The sandboxed modals flag

This flag prevents content from using any of the following features to produce modal dialogs:

The sandboxed orientation lock browsing context flag

This flag disables the ability to lock the screen orientation. [SCREENORIENTATION]

The sandboxed presentation browsing context flag

This flag disables the Presentation API. [PRESENTATION]

When the user agent is to parse a sandboxing directive, given a string input, a sandboxing flag set output, it must run the following steps:

  1. Split input on ASCII whitespace, to obtain tokens.

  2. Let output be empty.

  3. Add the following flags to output:

Every top-level browsing context has a popup sandboxing flag set, which is a sandboxing flag set. When a browsing context is created, its popup sandboxing flag set must be empty. It is populated by the rules for choosing a browsing context.

Every browsing context that is a nested browsing context has an iframe sandboxing flag set, which is a sandboxing flag set. Which flags in a nested browsing context's iframe sandboxing flag set are set at any particular time is determined by the iframe element's sandbox attribute.

Every Document has an active sandboxing flag set, which is a sandboxing flag set. When the Document is created, its active sandboxing flag set must be empty. It is populated by the navigation algorithm.

Every resource that is obtained by the navigation algorithm has a forced sandboxing flag set, which is a sandboxing flag set. A resource by default has no flags set in its forced sandboxing flag set, but other specifications can define that certain flags are set.

In particular, the forced sandboxing flag set is used by Content Security Policy. [CSP]

To implement the sandboxing for a Document object document, populate document's active sandboxing flag set with the union of the flags that are present in the following sandboxing flag sets: